The New buildings have firm foundations

The New buildings have firm foundations

The New classroom block is beginning to take shape. The foundations rise above ground level to overcome the flooding problem.  They are also strong enough to hold the next floor once we have the funds to go one stage higher.

Building work to start at Unity School

Building work to start at Unity School

Since we opened the School, all classes have been taught in corrugated iron buildings, with no proper windows. Temperatures have been recorded up to 40degreesC on sunny days.

Now, thanks to a generous legacy, the trustees have been able to commission 5 new classrooms, brick built, sliding windows, fans and electricity. We hope that this will be just the ground floor of a two or even three story block. Also in the plan are new toilets (at present 4 toilets serve over 300 children and staff) septic tank and necessary plumbing.

We hope to be using the ground floor classrooms before the end of this year – at the moment we are going through the approval process with the local government of Mombasa. The trustees are actively seeking sponsorship for the next floor. In total we need £100k but drops in the ocean have already amounted to £10k. Can you help? Or do you know a Company that has a budget for Corporate Social Responsibility?

November – December Update

From Mid-November onwards, the lead up to Christmas was a busy time for our supporters and fund-raisers.

Events started with an evening Fair organised by Wilson House at Bishop Luffa School, closely followed by our own stall at Broadwater Baptist Church two days later, events took off to a great start. The first of our two big Saturday events – The Pre-Christmas Sale, raised nearly £400 and, a week later, The Carol Concert by Candlelight raised nearly £300. In between these events, Broadwater C of E Primary School exhibited our Slum House and launched the T-Shirt colouring competition at their Christmas Fair.

Our thanks to all who helped and took part. Not least Jacob Keet and David Poley, who provided excellent music at the concert, and the staff of Oscar’s for supplying the fish and chip supper.

On Christmas Day staff and pupils at the Orphanage will be enjoying a special Christmas Dinner thanks to your donations towards this event. Enough money has been sent to buy new clothes for our residents, to be worn on Christmas Day. We hope to have the photos on Facebook very shortly after Christmas.

Work is also beginning on the muddy pathways around the cook house – pictures will be published as soon as we receive them from our friends at Unity School.

Thanks to everyone who has supported us this year. A very happy Christmas to you all.

Successful Sale and the Cookers Arrive

Thank You to everyone who supported our Great Sale of Everything.  Over £830 was raised at this event.

We have now received pictures of the new Cookers, these will be in our newsletter to be published shortly. There are more pictures on Facebook.

We are still running our two appeals to pay for the cookers and to buy reading books.  Hit the donate now button to help.

The Spring Newsletter should be published at the beginning of May.  If you don’t receive our newsletter and would like to, send your email address to

Recreating the slum house

When we held our “Sun to Slum” exhibition in 2014, one of the highlights was the mock up of a typical dwelling place in the Bombolul Slum.We have now rebuilt this, with more permanent materials, to use at exhibitions and Fairs.

Pictures can be seen on our Facebook page.

The first outing will be at Broadwater School’s Fayre on 24th June and then at various events listed under EVENTS.

If you’re trying to find us on the Charity Commission website, please use our number 1155625 (Tho old number was replaced when we became CIO).