The new classroom block – ready for the opening ceremony
The new classroom block – ready for the opening ceremony
Trustees Carol and Shirley standing outside the new classroom block with the plaque commemorating the help given by the late Ursula Parry in providing this facility.
5 new classrooms, toilets for boys, girls and staff, a meeting are above the classrooms
Mr Joash assists three students to travel to Kenyatta University, Nairobi to enrol for their fist semester. They joined the queue to enrol at midnight; thus ensuring that enrolment was completed in one day. We have four students now in their second year at Universities.
Not only a roof, now we can see the veranda railings, doors in their frames – modelled here by Teacher Mr (Smiley) John Ooko.
Thirty six people sat down to an excellent Curry Night at Monsoon’s Restaurant in Rustington. By the end of the evening, they had raised £750 for the Charities work in Mombasa. Well done everyone.