News & Events

  Recent Events

 More successful fundraising events 

Over £400 was raised at our book sale in March.   A fantastic result considering that our most expensive books were priced at 40p!    

 This was followed by Karyn’s Swop Shop where new and nearly new clothes were exchanged and much coffee was consumed.

 On Saturday 6th April we hekd our annual “Sale of Everything” at Rustington Methodist Church Hall.   9.30am – 1.00pm.   Again we were well supported and over £700 was raised.

Next up is a concert given by Jacob Keet  at Christ’s Hospital Chapel on 7th June,  Starting at 7.30pm, admission is free with a retiring collection in aid of Friends of the Mombasa Children.  



Dates for your diary:

6th July   Rustington Fayre:   The Street, Rustington

20th July   Broadwater Carnival: Broadwater Green, Worthing. 10.00am -4.00pm 

28th July  Worthing Lions Seafront Fare – on the promenade to the west of Worthing Pier.

14th September   Littlehampton Town Show 12.00 – 4.00pm