More T shirts

Another consignment of T-shirts decorated with African designs by Children at Broadwater CofE Primary School.

Looking forward to seeing the pictures


Trustee visit to Unity School, Mombasa

Trustee visit to Unity School, Mombasa

Christmas Lunch in the Orphanage


An important aspect of our responsibilities is to check that that money given for our work in Mombasa is actually spent as we intended. In the next few weeks three trustees will be visiting Mombasa.

Look for their blogs on this site for the latest pictures and information

Jo’s Blogg from her first visit to Kenya

Joanna is a long term supporter and sponsor of this Charity.  She is a Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and often works one to one with children and young people who have experienced a trauma in their past.

Joanna has trained several staff members, including the Senior managers (Known as the Summit), in NLP and plans to return to Mombasa to run a full course, leading to a diploma qualification in January 2018.


You can read her blog by visiting

From Madonna (Standard 8 student)

From Madonna (Standard 8 student)

A thanking letter read from a standard 8 pupil on behalf of all of the standard 8 class for Carol, Shirley and Jo’s farewell gathering.

First of all, I would like to express great appreciation on behalf of my class.  It says in Chinese “no appreciation is enough for great kindness”, but here, I still want to thank you all for your love and kindness and all the support you are giving us which has provided us with hope and courage to live a better life.

If we had not received your support and love we would have lost all our confidence to continue with studies but luckily with your help the difficulties do not affect our studies, but it strengthens our faith to study harder.  People always say that children from poor families take more responsibilities earlier.  We don’t feel lonely when we see you around, instead we sense a great worth of love and continue to study even harder with the help of our beloved teachers and will not disappoint you who have given us support love and hope.  Your kindness means a lot to us – as great as a mountain. The only thing we can do to reward your kindness is to study hard.

To all of you kind people here and to your group back in the UK, most of us were all unfortunate orphans before, but now we are happy because we have so many kind people like you for us.  We enjoyed your stay with us and as you prepare to go back to the UK we would like to say thank you and wish you nice people a peaceful and happy life forever.  Through you, God’s love reaches those children who are in need like us.  May God grant you journey mercy.  Forever, we will miss you but look forward to good moments again together.  We love you