From William Ngati on his graduation

From William Ngati on his graduation

Am happy that I have achieved one more step to the ladder of education and I would like to take this opportunity and thank each and every person that has contributed to my life spiritually,emotionally, financially and in any other way.. it could not be possible without u all and may God bless u all abundantly.

“We do not need magic to change the world, we can carry all the power we need inside ourselves already.,,#thanks to the almighty God for making it happen…this is just the beginning of persuing more knowledge bcz knowledge is power

Unity School visit January 2020

Unity School visit January 2020

Trustees Carol and Jan together with Steph – one of our supporters, are visiting Unity School.  They have a busy two weeks ahead of them.

So far: Carol has been doing some art with the children and Jan is planning some painting too – redecorating the orphanage.

As always, the great children enjoy our visits and their enthusiasm in never more obvious thn at PPI (Prayer, Praise and Instruction.  In the UK wemight say school assembly)

Jan’s Blog

Jan’s Blog

Jan’s first visit and what she thought

  • A life changing experience
  • Lots for me to do – very hands on
  • The happiness and joy of the whole school was so apparent
  • Wonderful to see how excited the children are, and witnessing their hope for the future is clear to see
  • Seeing first-hand the wonderful work of the charity – please continue to support them
  • I am definitely going back

Carol’s Blog February

Trustees Carol Groves and Shirley Fisher returned to Unity School, Mombasa in January 2019. A supporter Jan Watson also went with them.

During the last two years (thanks to a generous legacy) a new building with 5 classrooms and toilet blocks has been under construction. The new building, now complete and ready for the pupils to occupy, had its official opening during our visit.  It was a very special day with celebrations all round.  The pupils and teachers had a lovely meal, thanks to the Contractor who picked up the bill.  Dr Luke and his wife, plus the parents association and someone from the educational department all took part in the celebrations.  It was a very special day and one that we will never forget. 

Carol’s Blog – 19th January 2019

We have had a busy few days in Mombasa and also at Unity School.  We had a productive meeting with our Contractor who hands over the new building on Thursday, when we will have an official opening.  The new classrooms are spacious and cool, and the new toilet blocks have 8 toilets and washbasins in the girls and boys blocks.  Tomorrow we are taking 90 pupils, 8 teachers and us 3 to Fort Jesus for a school outing.  We had a meeting with Dr Luke who looks after the medical care of all pupils and he and his wife will be attending the official opening.  More soon.

Chris’ Blog Tuesday

Chris’ Blog Tuesday

Back to the bookshops in Mombasa – that were closed for lunch last time we tried,  Successfully spent nearly £1000 on text books thanks to Dan and Katrina’s wedding guests. It took 3 hours but we were supplied with coconut water and conversations on Imran Khan’s time as a Sussex cricket player!.   Back at school we did more volumes of prisms- using some the girders from the new roof as examples, Then singing again, ready for Thursday’s prayer day with grade 8. Karyn did a session on phonics with the lower primary teachers. – they will soon be speaking the Queen’s English!