Outing to Fort Jesus

a very successful outing today to the old Fort in Mombasa (Fort Jesus), with 90 pupils.  Then a visit to the Aga Khan school in Mombasa town, where we met some of their year 11 students, who have been visiting and helping some of our Unity School pupils.  It’s great to work together with them and their teacher.  It had been extremely hot today, around 34c.  Tomorrow we have another meeting with the surveyor and the manager of voyager hotel, and then off to Unity School in the afternoon.

Final training day

Final training day


We had a really good two full days of NLP training.  All teachers and managers attended plus us four from the UK.

The two day  Staff Training Event was held at the Voyager Hotel. All teachers were awarded their certificates.


A full day yesterday

yesterday Steph taught standard 7 about the pregnancy lifeline and the choices a woman has to make when she has an unintentional pregnancy. It went down really well with pupils and teachers.  We had more meetings about the new building, a summit meeting, lots of picture taking.  Today and tomorrow is NLP training in the conference room at the voyager.  Will try and master getting some photos onto the blog later today. Carol

Update from Mombasa after first full day

after some hard negotiating we have managed a really good deal at the Voyager and all the teachers will be having their 2 day NLP training at the Voyager conference room to include buffet lunch.  After discussions with staff at the hotel, we have been invited to dinner tomorrow nights at the captains table as they want to hear more about the work of FOMC.  So a good opportunity for some networking.

Tomorrow morning we meet the contractor to discuss the progress of the new building.  More news tomorrow. From carol, Shirley, jo and Steph