End of Term Celebrations

November saw our oldest students take the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education. The whole school was on lockdown for a week – with an armed guard to maintain security of the exam papers. Now the candidates anxiously await their results – which should come at the end of this month.
At the other end of the Primary school, Nursery children graduate into the main school. Always a colourful occasion with party food and dressing up.
Now the Summer holidays have begun for the children but the teachers stay in school to prepare for the next academic year – starting right at the start of January. First, though, a team day on the beach.

Broadwater School’s Dancethon Raises £2000

An day of dancing by every class at Broadwater Church of England Primary School raised a massive £2000 for classroom equipment at Unity School. First of all we bought 5 metal cabinets for keeping the equipment safe. Pictures: Mr Joshua inspects his new cabinet. (Mr Joshua is over 6ft tall!). Atlases and Geometry sets for blackboards were at the top of teachers’ lists or requirements.

Pupils enjoy the annual visit from Global Encounters Group

Students from the Global Encounters Project visit Unity School for a fortnight in July. They organise a range of activities such as drama, debating, sports, art and music. They bring with them equipment to ensure the activities run well. The fortnight is always appreciated by Unity pupils and helps maintain our link with the Aga Khan Academy (who host the project)
Nearly there!
The windows have been fitted with metal grills for greater security.
You can also see below that work has started on the support structure for another water tank. The new toilets require much more water than the mop and bucket previously used! Next will be the installation of a generator so that we can still pump water despite power cuts. Imagine the furore if a large city in the UK went without power for a whole day at a time! Its a regular event in Mombasa where businesses and hotels all have their own generators.