Maddy’s Blog Day 10

Maddy’s Blog Day 10

This is where the children wash their hands after they have been to the toilet. The water comes from the well that was built a few years ago.

We hope that the new school building will include a toilet block with basins for the children and a separate staff toilet.

Maddy’s Blog Day 9

Maddy’s Blog Day 9

This is the drive home from Mtwapa Creek…

Yes, those are beds… and yes, they are across the drainage ditch…

Yes, that is a man peeing in the drainage ditch…
And yes, that is a man sitting with his legs in the drainage ditch.

Life at the side of the road doesn’t stop in Mtwapa, as the light fades the bars switch on their coloured lights and the Matatu’s set the disco lights to stun!

The thing that really stands out though is the rubbish. If it doesn’t burn it blows here and collects on the waste land, where the animals pick through it.

Time to find a way to re-use those plastic bags!

Image may contain: sky, cloud, outdoor, nature and water
Image may contain: house and outdoor
Image may contain: outdoor
Image may contain: outdoor


Maddy’s Blog, Day 11

Maddy’s Blog, Day 11

This is class 7 in their school room.

It is 35 degrees in the classroom and the children usually sit 2-3 at a desk.

Money was donated to the charity to buy books, so earlier in the week the school team went to the book shop and chose new reading books. With the money given they were able to buy 224 brand new books, which will be used by children in all classes from Kindergarten to class 8.

Image may contain: 8 people