Delayed Exams start this week

The schedule published by The Government of Kenya for school term dates includes the timing of the Kenyan Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) . The examinations that our oldest students should have sat last November is taking place this week. (Wearing masks and socially distanced of course.) Pictures of the preparations are on the “Latest News ” page.

Keeping going during the pandemic

Whilst we have been on ‘lockdown’ in the UK and practising social distancing, Kenya too is no exception and the Kenyan people are really suffering from the Corona Virus. The Kenyan Government have closed all schools and have many restrictions in place similar to us. The school closure has hit our poorest families hard since the feeding programme has been suspended.

As Trustees we have a responsibility to make sure everyone at Unity School has our support and we are helping in whatever way we can.

Unity School has had to make some difficult decisions and we have been liaising closely with their Management Team. They have been able to retain their senior teachers, the cooks and the day and night watchman but on reduced salaries. Sadly the rest of the teachers are now on unpaid leave.

There are quite a few children who will travel to the countryside with their parents to stay with grandparents or other relatives until Unity School re-opens. The population in the countryside is less dense which will help the children and parents to stay well and hopefully less chance of contracting the virus.
The 8 pupils who were living in the orphanage have been taken in by local
families for a short period and this is reviewed weekly.

So………where does all this leave Friends of the Mombasa Children?
Our fundraising events have of course all been cancelled, at least for the next six months or so. We are very grateful for the continued financial support with our monthly and annually supporters, plus regular donations. This will support those managers and senior teachers still in place, plus any outstanding fees for our further education and medical treatment. We have recently finalised our three year budget and looking at this year, 2020/2021, our monthly support will be £300 short because of the cancellation of fundraising events.
The management team and senior teachers are integral to the future of Unity School. Good teachers are hard to find in Mombasa.

We are aware that people are suffering financially here in the UK, but if you were able to help by just a small amount each month, either to extend the amount you are already giving, or just an additional amount as and when you can, we would be so grateful.

Please help us to keep Unity School going during their lockdown so that the pupils have a school to go back to!

With your support we would like to continue the medical programme which we have reluctantly suspended for the time being. We would also like to help our poorest families by purchasing food for them.

Orphanage receives a makeover

Orphanage receives a makeover

A much needed re-decoration project has now been completed on the orphanage. Originally we though that a coat of pain would be good but closer inspection revealed that repair work was needed around the windows – not least the mesh that keeps the flies out.

Thanks to generous donations for this project the orphanage now looks and is a very pleasant place to live.

Unity School visit January 2020

Unity School visit January 2020

Trustees Carol and Jan together with Steph – one of our supporters, are visiting Unity School.  They have a busy two weeks ahead of them.

So far: Carol has been doing some art with the children and Jan is planning some painting too – redecorating the orphanage.

As always, the great children enjoy our visits and their enthusiasm in never more obvious thn at PPI (Prayer, Praise and Instruction.  In the UK wemight say school assembly)