Our Feeding and Medical Programmes
We soon realised that a good education just isn’t enough. That’s why with the help of our supporters and partners we have setup a feeding programme and a medical programme to keep our children healthy.
Our children now receive a hot, substanatial meal every day at the school. This is often the only main meal they eat – and the effects are striking. Before we started the feeding programme, our children weren’t able to learn or concentrate in class as they were often undernourished. Now, our children look and feel healthy and are able to learn more effectively.

Keeping our Cooks Healthy
Cooking over a wood fire can be dangerous. Smoke inhalation can be fatal. We were very pleased when Students from The Aga Khan Academy raised money to purchase a Jiko – a large cooking pot that sits over an enclosed wood burning stove. All the smoke exits via a chimney. The charity matched the funding to purchase a second Jiko. Now all that fills the kitchen is the smell of food cooking.
Our Medical Programme – Supported by The International School, Eindhoven, Netherlands..
But we didn’t stop there. Thanks once again to our supporters, our children have access to medical assistance at the school and free primary healthcare. A local General Practioner, himself once a child living in the slums, looks after our children and keeps them fit and healthy.