Most of our organised fundraising is overseen by our Fundraising Group. Apart from direct financial support, we are always looking for volunteers who could help with our fundraising activities or organise an event.
For example, coffee mornings are a popular way to invite friends and neighbours to donate a little money to our funds, or garage sales, lunches or sponsored walks. One school arranged to pack bags at a local supermarket. Cake sales are always popular both in schools and offices. The Charity Trustees will offer help and give encouragement wherever possible. Your event can be advertised through our facebook page or website.
We always need help at our stall when we visit local markets or fairs such as the Worthing Lions Seafront Fair or Broadwater Carnival. From time to time we hold our own events such as the “Open Day” pictured below, Christmas Sale and more.
Contact us by phoning Karyn 01903 236921 if you would like to get involved in fundraising or our chairperson: .