The Ursula Parry Classroom Block

The Ursula Parry Classroom Block

Trustees Carol and Shirley standing outside the new classroom block with the plaque commemorating the help given by the late Ursula Parry in providing this facility.

5 new classrooms, toilets for boys, girls and staff, a meeting are above the classrooms

Chris’ Blog November

Chris’ Blog November

Getting ready for all the fundraising that happens before Christmas.  The Tree Festival is on course for more trees than last year.  We have a great selection of Christmas goods and gifts for the Sale.  People are ordering their suppers for the concert evening too.
More Students enrol for University

More Students enrol for University

Mr Joash assists three students to travel to Kenyatta University, Nairobi to enrol for their fist semester. They joined the queue to enrol at midnight; thus ensuring that enrolment was completed in one day.   We have four students now in their second year at  Universities.