Dear Friends
Exciting News!
We’re thrilled to share that the KPSEA Exam (for Grade 6)results are out! Our amazing learners have truly outdone themselves, and they deserve a big round of applause for their exceptional performance!
A heartfelt thank you to our dedicated teachers and Friends of Mombasa children who guided and supported these pupils together throughout the journey. Ensuring they had hot meals for their lunch, health care whenever they fell sick which enabled them to come back in good time and learning materials. We also thank our parents for their input.
Let’s celebrate this achievement together! Please join us in congratulating our outstanding Grade Sevens, who sat their National Exams with The last Standard Eight in Kenya. Their exams didn’t have multiple choices like the faced out 8:4:4 curriculum. 32 pupils managed several Exceeding Expectations level which is equivalent to A or Distinction. 4 pupils managed Meeting Expectations, equivalent to B or Credit and 1 pupils got Approaching Expectations equivalent to C or Pass and 1 pupil who is a special case got Below Expectations. The CBC curriculum has picked very well. Thanks to you all. We expect more exciting news this year. God bless
Best regards
Unity School Management
Work starts on the 5 new classrooms – Update
Increasing student numbers, the need for a science lab, library and space for IT and music, have necessitated the construction of five more classrooms. Fortunately the upper floor of the classroom block (the Parry Building) is ready and waiting for this development.
After accepting the quote from our contractor, work commenced straight away. The cost to the charity is £8000 each for three rooms. Two more were expected to be funded by a well-wisher but he dropped out without any warning.
We welcome your support in this venture. We have raised £24,000 but still need to equip the science lab and library. Please follow the link to help provide these rooms. You can also see how this appeal is progressing.
Delayed Exams for Standard 8 students get underway.
This week sees the examinations that should have been sat in November taking place. The school is closed to all but the Head teacher and the candidates. The Government provides a schedule of teachers from other schools to supervise the exams together with armed guards. (Some of our teachers are sent to nearby schools in return). Spare a thought for the Head Teacher who has to collect the papers every morning from an office in Mombasa and is then escorted to school by an armed guard. The reverse process happens every evening.Classroom 3
School inspectors visited Unity as part of the process of checking that schools were “Covid ready” for pupils to return. They expressed their concern that classroom 3 was in a bad state of repair. When the builders began repair work, it all fell down! Rebuilding started from scratch. Some of the other older classrooms have been smartened up with a lick of paint. One more classroom is awaiting rebuilding – If you can donate towards the cost of rebuilding, please go to “Support Us”.
School to reopen for students
At the beginning of October the Government of Kenya announced that, subject to precautions, schools could re-admit pupils in grade 4 and standard 8 (10 and 14 Year olds). Some of our Secondary school students were also to be allowed back. Just as the school started to prepare for the return of two classes, the government further announced that in 2 weeks time the rest of our pupils could return. An appeal was launched to provide equipment, re-employ teachers, and generally make the school covid safe,Latest report from our School Manager, Mr Norbert Werre
Corona virus came with tremendous challenges that affected our school greatly. This caught us unaware and in consultation with FOMC trustees we came up with ways of mitigating the challenges. We have consulted with parents requesting their help in providing paper packs of assignments for the pupils (very few parents have internet access). Some parents are able to give some financial help and we are grateful to FOMC for their financial help. In addition, with their help, we are able to support those families in desperate need with a food parcel each month. Our medical aid is continuing at least for the next few months, and we are looking at ways of whether any local Rotary could support us. We are very thankful that we have access to the internet at the school and can keep in communication with FOMC. Their support has kept our spirits up.Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic at Unity School